wordki.pl - nauka słówek
verb patterns - new vocaulary
autor: SzymonSz98
deferto arrange for something to happen at a later time - odroczyć
disputeto disagree with something someone says
endangerto put someone or something in a situation where they might be harmed or seriously damaged
entailto involve something - wiązać się z, pociągać za sobą
envisageto imagine something happening, or think that something is likely to happen
foreseeto expect a future situation or event
grudgeto not want to spend time or money or to give something to someone - żałować
keeppersist - nie ustępować, upierać się
can't endurecan't bear
botherto annoy someone by trying to get their attention when they do not want to see you or talk to you
chanceto take a risk by doing something
condescendto agree to do something even though you think you are too important to do it - raczyć coś zrobić
endeavourto try very hard to do something - usiłować coś zrobić
hastento make something happen faster than usual - przyspieszać, poganiać
longto want something very much - tęskić do czegoś, bardzo pragnąć czegoś
presumetake the liberty - ośmielać się coś zrobić, pozwalać sobie coś zrobić
pretendto behave as if something is true when it is not
proceedto continue as planned
professto express a quality or belief, often when it is not true - utrzymywać, że
proposeintend - zamierzać coś zrobić
proveturn out - dowieść, okazać się
resolveto decide that you will do something and be determined to do it - postanowić
seekto try to do something - zabiegać, ubiegać się o
striveto try very hard to do or achieve something - walczyć, usiłować
troubleIf something troubles you, you think about it a lot and it makes you worry.
undertaketo start work on something that will take a long time or be difficult - podjąć się
vowto make a serious promise or decision
accustomto get used to sth
commissionto arrange for someone to do a piece of work
compelto force someone to do something
defyto refuse to obey someone or something - przeciwstawić się
enticeto persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant
impelto make you feel that you must do something
imploreto ask for something in a serious and emotional way - błagać
inciteto do or say something that encourages people to behave violently or illegally - podżegać
induceto persuade someone do something
promptto cause someone to do something
summonto officially order someone to come to a place
disdainto refuse to do something because you feel you are too important to do it
forbearto prevent yourself from saying or doing something, especially in a way that shows control, good jud
loatheto hate someone or something
ventureto be brave enough to say something that might be criticized - odważyć się
discloseto give new or secret information to someone - wyjawić
reckonto think that something is probably true - sądzić myśleć
necessitateto cause something to be needed
empowerto give someone the confidence, skills, freedom, etc to do something
entitleto give someone the right to do or have something
entreatto try very hard to persuade someone to do something