wordki.pl - nauka słówek
phrasal verbs 1
be about tobe on the point of
be afterwant, try to gain; chase
be down withbe ill with
be offnot want/like any more; be absent (school etc)
be forbe in favour of
be in forexpect sth (usu bad)
be onbe shown (on TV,..)
be outbe unfashionable; have stopped burning (of light/fire)
be overcome to an end
be through withhave ended a relationship/job etc
be up tobe capable of; feel like doing sth usu sth wrong
break downstop working; lose control of feelings; fail
break inwejść siłą, interrupt
break offend a relationship
break outbegin suddenly; escape
break throughadvance - postępować
break totell (usu bad news) to sb in a kind way
break upstop for holidays (school); separate, split up
bring backcause to recall - przyczyniać się do odwołania
bring downcause to fall
bring forwardmove sth to an earlier date or time
bring increate profit/money
bring oncause, usu sth unpleasant
bring aboutcause to happen
bring outpublish
bring round/tomake sb regain consciousness - sprawić aby ktoś odzyskał przytomność
bring roundpersuade
bring upraise a child; mention, introduce a subject
come acrossmeet/find by chance
come alonghurry up; appear
come byobtain - uzyskać
come down tobe passed on to sb by inheritance (przekazać coś bo dziedzictwo?)
come down withbecome ill
come intoinherit- dziedziczyć
come offsucceed
come outbegins to blossom (flowers), be published; be able to be removed
come roundvisit casually (niedbale); regain consciousness
come toamount to a total - w sumie
come upbe mentioned; occur - pojawić się
come up toapproach - podejść; be up to (expectations)
come up withfind, think of (a solution, answer..)
cut acrosstake a shorter way
cut back (on)reduce
cut downcause to fall by cutring, reduce
cut inmove suddenly in front of another car; interrupt
cut intointerrupt (tak jak break in)
cut offdisconnect; isolate (rozłączyć, izolować)
cut outomit - pomijać
be cut out for/ to bebe suited for - być przystosowanym
cut upcut into small pieces