wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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Deal with a lot of red tapeBureaucracy
Culture shockConfusion or anxiety that travellers experience when visiting a different contry
Break the bankSpend a lot of money
Tourist trapA place that is in a good location to attract tourists
A rip-offSomething that costs to much
To travel lightTo take very little luggage with you when you travel
Tourist ghettoesEnclosed resort surrounded by high fences
To short-chargeTo cheat someone by not giving him to correct money in change
Scenic routeA road that goes through an area of natural beauti
Go on a flying visitA very short visit
To thumb a liftHitch-hike
To live out of a suitcaseTo be away from home a lot
To got a delhi bellyStomach ache caused by eating unfygienically prepared food
JunketA trip that people pretend is for business but which is really for relsxation
To do the sightTo do sightseeing
To find sea legsTo sdapt to being be on a ship whithout feeling seasick
FleapitA dirty, uncomfortable and unusually cheap hotel
To break the journeyStop somewhere for a short time during a long journey
To got itchy feelA desire to travel and see different place
Globe-trotterSomebody who travels a lot
Air rageAnger and aggression often experienced air travellers and directed towards air crew
No- showsPeople who have booked a seat on an aircraft or in a resturant
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