wordki.pl - nauka słówek
UNIT 10 - Phrases, patterns and collocations 2
get/receive a letter fromotrzymać list od
send/write sb a letternapisać komuś list
letter of confirmationlist potwierdzający
follow/obey sth to the letterto do exatly what you are told to do
the letter of the lawlitera prawa
letterboxskrzynka pocztowa
letter bomba small bomb that is put in an envelope or parcel and posted to someone
bring sth to sb's noticezwracać na coś czyjąś uwagę
come to sb's noticeto notice sth
escape sb's noticeumykać czyjejś uwadze
take noticezwracać uwagę
at short noticez krótkim wyprzedzeniem
at moment's noticez chwilowym wyprzedzeniem
until further noticeaż do odwołania
sheet of paperkartka papieru
to put sth on paperprzelewać coś na papier
to paper overtuszować (ukrywać)
it's not worth the paper it is printed onto nie jest nic warte
to do a paper roundroznosić gazety po domach
paper qualificationsacademic qualifications. *this phrase usually claims that practical experience is more important
paperworkpapierkowa robota
put pen to paperto start writing something
the pen is mightier than the swordsaid to emphasize that thinking and writing have more influence on people/events than use of force
pen pushera person who has an office job that is not interesting
penfriendsomeone who you write friendly letters to regularly, but you have never met
printletters, number, or symbols that have been produced on paper by a machine using ink
in print"w druku" - if a book is ....., it is possible to buy a new copy of it
out of printo wyczerpanym nakładzie/wyczerpany nakład
read sb's mindczytać w czyichś myślach
read sb like a bookczytać w kimś jak w otwartej książce
read between the linesczytać między wierszami
read sb's lipsczytać z czyichś ust
take sth as readto accept that sth is true without making sure that it is
a good readsth that you enjoy reading
keep a record of sthzapisywać coś
put/set the record straightprostować nieścisłości
on recordnotoryczny
to say sth on the recordmówić coś oficjalnie
off the recordnieoficjalnie
have your sayto get the chance to say what you think about sth
the final sayresponsibility for making a decision, although other people can give their opinion first
go without sayingto be completely obvious or true
say the wordused to tell someone that you will do what they want at the time they ask you
you can't say fairer than thatused to say that you think an offer or arrangement is good
say your pieceto say what you really think about sth
having said that...pomimo tego...
not to say...żeby nie powiedzieć...
speak to sbrozmawiać z kimś
speak in dialectmówić dialektem
so to speakże tak powiem
speak one's mindwyrażać swoje zdanie
speak for sbmówić w czyimś imieniu
speak outmówić otwarcie
speak upmówić głośniej/[for sb] mówić w obronie [kogoś]
speak out of turnsay sth that you should not have said
broadly speaking...ogólnie rzecz biorąc
be on speaking terms with sbrozmawiać z kimś (być w zgodzie)
speaking of...a propos...
speaking as [a mother]used for saying that you opinion is a result of who you are/what you do - przykład: ... [matka]