abolish | to officially get rid of a law, system, practise etc (obalać) |
advocate | to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things (być zwolennikiem) |
alleviate | make sth less painful, severe or serious (aLIWIjejt) |
bureaucracy | biurokracja (biuroKrasi) |
charity | instytucja charytatywna (czaryTi/czeryDi) |
class | klasa(in society)/klasa(group of students)/lekcja/zajęcia/rocznik(graduates) |
community | the people who live in an area (komiunyTi/komiunyDi) |
convict | to prove in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime (konWykt) |
corruption | dishonest or illegal behaviour by officials or people in positions of power, esp when they takeMoney |
deterrent | sth that makes people decide not to do sth by making them realise that sth unpleasant could happen |
heritage | the art, buildings, traditions nad beliefs that a society considers important to its history |
immigration | imigracja (ymyGrejszyn) |
industrial action | a protest in which workers show that they disagree with a policy of their employer(yndastrjal akszyn |
institution | instytucja (ynstyTiuszyn/instyTiuszyn) |
legislation | a law or set of laws (ledżySlejszyn) - ustawodawstwo, legislacja |
prejudice | uprzedzenie (PreDjudys/PreDżiuDYS) |
prison reform | changes intended to make the prison system fairer or more effective (prizyn ryform) |
privileged | uprzywilejowany (prywyLydżd/prywLydżd) |
prosecute | to officially accuse someone of a crime and ask a court of law to judge them (proseKjut/praseKjut) |
state | the government of a country |