break the rules | łamać zasady |
bend the rules | naginać zasady |
follow the rules | trzymać się zasad |
against the rules | niezgodnie z zasadami |
as a rule | z zasady/zwykle |
rule of law | praworządność/rządy prawa |
rule of thumb | praktyczna zasada |
rules and regulations | przepisy prawa |
sentence | wyrok (więzienia itp) |
sentence sb to sth | skazać kogoś na coś |
pass a sentence on somebody | to officially decide how the criminal will be punished, and to announce what the punishment will be |
social condition | the situation you have in society because of your income, occupation or level of education |
social contacts | kontakty towarzyskie/aktywność społeczna |
social security | ubezpieczenie społeczne |
social services | świadczenia socjalne |
Social Services | Opieka Społeczna |
social call | a visit to the home of friend or acquaintance that is purely social |
social worker | a person who works for the social services or for a private organization providing help and support |
social club | a place with a bar and entertainment for people who have paid to become members |
social life | the activities you do with other people, for pleasure, when you are not working |