Saunter | Przechadzka, Przechadzać się, spacerować To walk in a slow and relaxed way |
Go about something | To begin to do something or deal with somethin. What's the best way of going about this |
Remotely | 1. Trochę, w niewielkim stopniu 2. Na odludziu, w oddaleniu |
Gearbox | Skrzynia biegów a metal box containing the gears in a vehicle |
Stuffy | Duszny, A stuffy room or building is unpleasant because it has no fresh air |
Intently | Uważnie, bacznie ,In a way that gives all your attention to something |
Snoop | Węszyć, wtykać nos w cudze sprawy, To try to find out about other people's private lives |
Underestimate 1 | Niedocenic to fail to understand how strong, skilful, intelligent, or determined someone |
Underestimate 2 | Zbyt nisko oszacować coś To fail to guess or understand the real cost, size, difficulty of somethi |
Underestimated | Niedoceniany |
Swab | 1Wacik, tampon (medyczny)2 wymaz. a small piece of soft material used for cleaning a cut |
Against all odds | Pomimo wszystkich przeciwności, pomimo wszelkich przeszkód, na przekór wszystkiemu |
Faculty | zdolność, umiejętność (np. do słyszenia, widzenia). A natural ability to hear, see, think, mov |
Twiddle | Przebierać palcami To move something repeatedly between your fingers, especially without any purpos |
Move over | To change the place where you are sitting or standing so that there is space for someone else |
Invariably | Niezmiennie, zawsze. Always |
Clutch/Grasp a straw | Chwytać się brzytwy. to be willing to try anything to improve a difficult or unsatisfactory situat |
Dejected (syn. discouraged, miserable) | Unhappy, disappointed, or without hope |
Go along with sth/sb | Zgadzać się z czymś (np. pomysłem). To support an idea, or to agree with someone's opinion |
Handful | Urwis. A person, often a child, who is difficult to control |
Storey (syn. floor, level) | A level of a building |
Lever | Dźwignia, lewarek. A bar or handle that moves around a fixed point, so that one end of it can be pu |
Sensible 1 (syn. having sense, reasonable, logical) | Rozsądny, sensowny. Based on or acting on good judgment and practical ideas or understanding |
Sensible 2 | Praktyczny, funkcjonalny (o ubraniu, np. buty). Sensible clothes or shoes are practical and suitable |
Look about | Rozglądać się dookoła |
The back of beyond | A place far away from any big town (syn. in the middle of nowhere) |
Scalding 1 | Wrzący, If a liquid is scalding, it is extremely hot (scalding tea) |
Scalding 2 | Ostry, gwałtowny (np. krytyka), If criticism is scalding, it is very strong or violent. |
Draw sth up | Sporządzić, sporządzać (np. list, raport) To prepare something, usually something official, in w |
Cog,cogwheel | Koło zębate, a wheel with cogs around its edge, used to turn another wheel or part in a machine |
Forego, forewent, foregone | Rezygnować, zrzekać się, odmawiać sobie (czegoś), to give up or do without |
Profuse | Obfity (np. posiłek), wylewny (np. o przeprosinach), produced or given in large amounts. |
Furtively (syn. on the sly) | Ukradkiem, Secretly and often dishonestly |
Inquisitive | Dociekliwy, Wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys peo |
Aptitude | Uzdolnienie, A natural ability or skill |
Invincible | Niezwyciężony, Impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended |
Rife | Powszechny (coś nieprzyjemnego), If something unpleasant is rife, it is very common or happens a lo |
Imaginatively | 123 |
Snooty | 1233 |
Pull up | 123313 |
Perseverance | 31233 |
Mitigate | 123123123123123 |
Tacitly | 321 |
Posture | 333 |
Bump | Guz |
Clutter | 123123123123 |
Seeing that, seeing as | Considering that (because, since) |
Aforementioned | Wyżej wymioniony |
Underlying | 123 |
Underlie | 123 |