wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Rozne 19
SaunterPrzechadzka, Przechadzać się, spacerować To walk in a slow and relaxed way
Go about somethingTo begin to do something or deal with somethin. What's the best way of going about this
Remotely1. Trochę, w niewielkim stopniu 2. Na odludziu, w oddaleniu
GearboxSkrzynia biegów a metal box containing the gears in a vehicle
StuffyDuszny, A stuffy room or building is unpleasant because it has no fresh air
IntentlyUważnie, bacznie ,In a way that gives all your attention to something
SnoopWęszyć, wtykać nos w cudze sprawy, To try to find out about other people's private lives
Underestimate 1Niedocenic to fail to understand how strong, skilful, intelligent, or determined someone
Underestimate 2Zbyt nisko oszacować coś To fail to guess or understand the real cost, size, difficulty of somethi
Swab1Wacik, tampon (medyczny)2 wymaz. a small piece of soft material used for cleaning a cut
Against all oddsPomimo wszystkich przeciwności, pomimo wszelkich przeszkód, na przekór wszystkiemu
Facultyzdolność, umiejętność (np. do słyszenia, widzenia). A natural ability to hear, see, think, mov
TwiddlePrzebierać palcami To move something repeatedly between your fingers, especially without any purpos
Move overTo change the place where you are sitting or standing so that there is space for someone else
InvariablyNiezmiennie, zawsze. Always
Clutch/Grasp a strawChwytać się brzytwy. to be willing to try anything to improve a difficult or unsatisfactory situat
Dejected (syn. discouraged, miserable)Unhappy, disappointed, or without hope
Go along with sth/sbZgadzać się z czymś (np. pomysłem). To support an idea, or to agree with someone's opinion
HandfulUrwis. A person, often a child, who is difficult to control
Storey (syn. floor, level)A level of a building
LeverDźwignia, lewarek. A bar or handle that moves around a fixed point, so that one end of it can be pu
Sensible 1 (syn. having sense, reasonable, logical)Rozsądny, sensowny. Based on or acting on good judgment and practical ideas or understanding
Sensible 2Praktyczny, funkcjonalny (o ubraniu, np. buty). Sensible clothes or shoes are practical and suitable
Look aboutRozglądać się dookoła
The back of beyondA place far away from any big town (syn. in the middle of nowhere)
Scalding 1Wrzący, If a liquid is scalding, it is extremely hot (scalding tea)
Scalding 2Ostry, gwałtowny (np. krytyka), If criticism is scalding, it is very strong or violent.
Draw sth upSporządzić, sporządzać (np. list, raport) To prepare something, usually something official, in w
Cog,cogwheelKoło zębate, a wheel with cogs around its edge, used to turn another wheel or part in a machine
Forego, forewent, foregoneRezygnować, zrzekać się, odmawiać sobie (czegoś), to give up or do without
ProfuseObfity (np. posiłek), wylewny (np. o przeprosinach), produced or given in large amounts.
Furtively (syn. on the sly)Ukradkiem, Secretly and often dishonestly
InquisitiveDociekliwy, Wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys peo
AptitudeUzdolnienie, A natural ability or skill
InvincibleNiezwyciężony, Impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended
RifePowszechny (coś nieprzyjemnego), If something unpleasant is rife, it is very common or happens a lo
Pull up123313
Seeing that, seeing asConsidering that (because, since)
AforementionedWyżej wymioniony