Fraternities | Single gender membership (for men) at university |
Sororities | Singe gender membership (for women) at university |
Crucial | Important, essential |
Go through an application process | przechodzić proces aplikacji (na studia) |
Be admitted | Zostać przyjętym |
Admissions essay | An important essay by which you can get into college |
Maintenance stuff | Personel konserwatywny |
It has come to my attention | Zwróciło moją uwagę |
Recall | Przypomnieć |
At the drop of hat | W mgnieniu oka |
Brainwashed | Wyprany mózg |
Object | Zaprotestować, nie zgodzić się |
Major | Specjalizacja |
Tuition fees | It covers the costs of education services |
Drop you off | Podwieźć |
Accomplishments | Osiągnięcia |
Mediocre students | Average, ordinary students |
Determine | Określać |
Improperly | Wrongly |
Sluggish | Slow, lazy, sleepy |
Cloak | Płaszcz |
Down-to-earth | Someone very practical, uncomplicated and direct in dealing with others |
Go up to sb | Get closer to sb, approach |
Divide | Podzielić |
Quill | Pióro |
Wicked | Nikczemny, but also slang expression (common in the UK) like awesome/sick |
Dive | Nurkować |
Chaperone | Person who is hired to accompany and look after another person or group of people |
Emphasize | Podkreślać, „położyć nacisk” |
To doodle | Draw sth without particular objective or focus |
Gravy boat | Sosjerka |
Artificial | Sztuczny, false |
To be turned on | To be sexually excited by sth |
To drift apart | To slowly become more distant |
Comprehension | Zrozumienie, understanding |
To extend | Offer or give sth to sb (like invitation) but also challenge |
Scotch tape | Transparent tape used for gluing or sticking things together |
To fork it over/to cough it up | Informal ways to refer to the action of paying money (to pay money for sth especially reluctantly) |
Reluctantly | Niechętnie |
Irrelevant | Nieistotny |
A pet peeve (of mine) | Coś takiego co kogoś irytuje (słaby punkt trochę ale chodzi o tą irytację) |
Ancient | Very old |
Coin toss (coin flip, heads or tails) | Decide sth by throwing a coin up in the air |
Call it | Choosing the side (about coin toss) which you’ll win if it falls on |
Sth scares the bejeezus out of (you) | Sth causes great fear and makes (you) extremely nervous |
Bejeezus | Word that is used instead of „crap” or „shit” |
To take a shot | (Infromal) try to do sth |
Tie (its tied again) | Remis |
To be up | Be next |
Field hockey | Hokej na trawie |
Goalie | Bramkarz |
Defence | Protection |
Briefcase | Aktówka |
Reserved | Powściągliwy, zamknięty, chłodny |
Well-groomed | Schludny, zadbany |
Scruffy/sloppy | Messy, untidy |
Outplay | Pokonać w grze, ograć |
Underpay | Za mało płacić za pracę |
Stand up to | Przeciwstawiać się |
Complimentary | Flattering, pochlebny |
Intriguing | Intrygandzki |
Infantile | Infantylny |
Cautious | Careful |
Pick brains | Popełniać plagiat |
Stroll | A walk |
Limp | Utykać |
Stumble | Potknąć się |
Wander | Zbłądzić |
Swing | Zamachnąć się |
Slam (slammed) | Zatrzasnąć |
Permitted | Allowed (dozwolony) |
Obliged | Zobowiązany |
On the whole | Ogólnie rzecz biorąc |
See at a glance | Zobaczyć na pierwszy rzut oka |
Stalls | Places for horses |
Box office | Kasa teatralna |
Still life | Martwa natura |
Landscape | Krajobraz |
Soporific | Usypiające (nasenny) |
Graceful | Grateful, thankful |
Uplifting | Podnoszący na duchu |
Absent-minded | Bujający w obłokach, distracted |
Narrow-minded | Unwilling to accept or consider other people’s different ideas and behaviour |
Broad-minded | Tolerancyjny, otwarty, (szerokie horyzonty) |
Nest (of birds) | Gniazdo |
Hive | Ul |
Burrow | Nora |
Do up | Renovate |
Conclusive proof | Rozstrzygający dowód |
Conclusion | Wniosek |
Made on location | Wykonany na miejscu |
Tenement house | Kamienica |
Loo | A room with a toilet |
Cellar | A room under a building used for storing things |
Store | Przechowywać |
Pantry (larder) | A small room where food is stored |
Landing | Pół piętro/podium |
Shed | Szopa |
Porch | Ganek |
Convenient | Dogodnie, wygodnie |
Remote | Odległy |
Busy | Ruchliwe |
Economical | Oszczędny |
(Five-)storey building | (Iloś)piętrowy budynek |
Self-contained flat | Samodzielne mieszkanie |
Layout | Rozmiesczenie (plan) np mebli |
On the outskirts | Same like in the suburbs |
Entryphone | Domofon |
Facilities (also laundry facilities) | Udogodnienia |
Dish | Antena/satelita |
Tiles | Płytki/kafelki/dachówki |