wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autorzy: Jakub, ...
ADVANCED PAYMENTan amount paid before it is earned
AMALGAMATIONthe process of two or more organisations joining together
ASSETany tangible or intangible item to which a value can be assigned
ACCOUNTING MANUALa collection of accounting instructions
ANGEL INVESTORan individual or a group willing to invest in an unproven but well-researched e-business idea
ACCOUNTa structured record of transactions
BAD DEBTa debt which is considered to be uncollectable
ACCOUNTANTa professional person who maintains and checks business records
ACTUAL TURNOVERthe number of times during a particular period that somebody spends the average amount of money
ATMan electronic machine from which bank customers can withdraw paper money
BAD DEBT RESERVEmoney that a company sets aside to cover bad debts
BABY BELLone of the regional phone companies that was established after the demise of AT&T in 1984
ACTUARYa statistician who calculates probable lifespans so that insurance premiums could be accurate
AGED DEBTa debt that is overdue by one or more given periods
ACCRUED LIABILITIESmoney which is recorded although payment has not yet been made
MONEYnotes and coins
BALANCE OF PAYMENTSa list of a country's credit and debit transactions
BALANCE SHEETa financial report stating the total assets and liabilities at a given date
AUDIT COMMITTEEa company's board of directors that monitors the company's finances
ARMCHAIR ECONOMICSeconomic forecasting or theorising based on insufficient data
ASSET ALLOCATIONinvestment strategy that distributes investments in a portfolio so as to achieve the highest return