Spare change | Drobne pieniądze/ grosze | |
Usefulness | Practical/ użyteczny | |
Loathe | Even more than hate | |
Beneath | Pod | |
Indulgence | Wyrozumiałość | |
Hostile | Wrogi | |
Scornfully | Pogardliwie | |
Mutual | Wzajemna | |
Hatred | Nienawiść | |
Lumped | Skupiony | |
Crammed | Full of people | |
Nurture | Take care of/educate | |
Rough and ready | Produced quickly with a little preparation | |
Scheme | Organised plan or system | |
Shift | Zmiana | |
Skive | Be absent from work or school without permision | |
Substantial | Large in size/value/importance- istotny | |
Trigger | To cause sth to start- wyzwalacz | |
Hostile | Unfriendly | |
Deliberately | On purpose | |
Despise | Pogarda | |
Fed up | Bored,annoyed, disappointed- mieć dość | |
Feel scornful about | Very strong feeling of no respect | |
Distressed by | Upset or worry | |
Indifferent to | Not intrested in sth | |
Disaffected by | No longer supporting or being satisfied with | |