wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Scene 4
SPECIESa group of animals or plants whose members are similar and can breed together to produce young anima
BRAINthe organ inside your head that controls how you think, feel, and move
EFFICIENTworking well, without wasting time, money, or energy
DETERMINEto find out the facts about something SYN establish
MERCHANDISEgoods that are being sold ПРОДУКЦІЯ
MERELYonly; just
ESTIMATEto try to judge the value, size, speed, cost etc. of something, without calculating it exactly
CRUCIALextremely important, because everything else depends on it SYN vital
HORIZONTALflat and level
ARRIVALOPP departure
CEREBRALrelating to or affecting your brain
CONCLUDEdecide that something is true after considering all the information you have
AUTHORITIESthe people or organizations that are in charge of a particular country or area
SLITa long straight narrow cut or hole
DISTANTnot closely related to you OPP close
ABERRATIONan action or event that is very different from what usually happens or what someone usually does SY
HUMAN BEINGa man, woman, or child of the species homo sapiens , distinguished from other animals by superior me
FLAWLESShaving no mistakes or marks, or not lacking anything SYN perfect
REFLEXan action that is performed as a response to a stimulus and without conscious thought
ENTERPRISEa company, organization, or business
ORGAN HARVESTINGa surgical procedure that removes organs or tissues for reuse, such as in organ transplantation