surrounding countryside | (n) otaczająca wieś |
familiar landscape | (n) znajomy krajobraz |
gentle landscape | a landscape with nothig extreme or threatening abot it |
open fields | fields uninterrouted by woods or houses |
bleak landscape | ponury krajobraz |
rocky mountains | góry skaliste |
catch a glimpse of sth | ujrzeć coś tylko na chwile |
catch sight of sth/sb | dostrzec cos/kogos w biegu/tłumie |
fly off | odleciec, ulotnić się, odchodzić szybko |
round a bend | wziać zakręt, skręcic |
fall into ruin/go to ruin | popaś w ruine |
lie in ruins | lezec w gruzach |
well worth seeing | warte zobaczenia |
dramatic setting | dramatyczna sceneria |
steep slop | strome zbocze/stok |
unspoilt countryside | a countryside that has not been changed be idustry or new bulding |
dense forest | thick forest/ gęsty las |
snow-covered mountains | góry pokrytę śniegiem |
stream winds | make lots of bands, does not folow in a straight line |
uninterrputed view | nothig block the view |
panormaic view | obraz panoramiczny/ view over a very wide area |
spectacular view | very dramatic view |
enjoy/admire a view | podziwiac widoki |
breathtaking scenery | extremely striking views |
dominate the landscape | can be seen from a lon way away |
beach stretches | rozciagają sie plaze |
sandy beach | plaza piaszczysta |
secluded beach | without many people |
golden sand | złote piaski |
peaceful/tranquil countryside | spokojna wiejska okolica |
city skyline | panorama miejska |
cobbled streets | brukowane ulice |
conservation area | zespół zabytków objeych ochrona przez konserwatora |
quaint old buldings | attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned |
pricey | expensive, in a negative sense |
upmarket shop | for people with expensive taste/ drogi sklep |
lively bars | bary pełne życia |
fashionable clubs | modne kluby |
pavement cafes | kawiarnie z ogródkiem piwnym |
tree-lined avenues | aleja wysadzana drzewami |
residential area | dzielnica mieszkalna |
high-rise flat | mieszkanie w wieżowcu |
inner city | central part of a city where poorer people live and where there are often social problems |
imposing building | imponujące budynki |
urban wasteland | a city area which is empty and in a bad condition |
no-go area | where the polices are afraid to enter |
strew with litter | zasypane śmieciami/odpadkami |
strew | (v) zasypywać |
litter | (n) odpadki |
deprived areas | not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant live |
industrail zones | strefy przemysłowe |
sprawling city | spread over a large area (slighty negative) |
bumber-to-bumber traffic | so many cars and so close - almost touching each other |
volume of traffic | natezenie ruchu ulicznego |
incessant roar | bezustany hałas, very loud noise which never stops |
comfortable suburbs | a place from which many people travel in order to work in a bigger city |
shanty towns | dzielnica slamsów, very poor houses made of discarded meterial |
discarded | wyrzucony, odrzucony |