disastrous | fatalny, katastrofalny | |
disastrously | fatalnie, katastrofalnie (dyZAAstresli) | |
disastrous effects | katastrofalne skutki | |
explicate sth | to explain sth in detail, especially a piece of writing or an idea | |
explanatory | giving an explanation about sth (eksPLANAtori) | |
survey sth | to look at or examine all of sth, especially carefully (suy;Weej) | |
survey | to measure an area or land, and to record the details of it, especially on a map | |
survey | to ask people questions in order to find out about their opinion or behaviour | |
survey | ~ankieta | |
advancement | polepszenie, postęp, rozwój | |
advancement | awans (społeczny, zawodowy itp.) | |
advancement | [formal]darowizna, zaawansowanie | |
advancement of proceedings | stan sprawy/stan rzeczy | |
advance | to go or move something forward, or to develop ot improve something | |
advance sb | to pay someone some money before the regular time | |
abyss | otchłań, czeluść (aBiys) | |
archaic | (A;Keyik) stary, nieużywany (słowo itp) / staromodny (sprzęt itp) / archaiczny | |
tribal/gentilic | plemienny, szczepowy | |
tribe | szczep, plemię | |
susceptible | podatny (na chorobę, na pochlebstwa) \ wrażliwy (na temperaturę) \ drażliwy, czuły na coś | |