wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Vocabulary 24
frame sb for sthwrabiać kogoś w coś(przypisać komuś winę za coś)
trade in sthhandel czymś
traffic in sthhandel czymś(często nielegalnym)
ultimatemost extreme or important because either the original or final, or the best or worst
the ultimate in sththe best or the most extreme example of sth
ultimatemost important, highest, last, or final / the best, the greatest of its kind
ultimatelast in a series
ultimatehaving more importance or more influence over what happens than all others
ultimatum(altyMejdam) a demand that a person or group do sth to avoid something unpleasant
spur sth(spe;) to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster
on the spur of the momentpod wpływem chwili/spontanicznie
spur sb onponaglać kogoś
psychiatristpsychiatra (saiKajaTryst)
psychiatrypsychiatria (saiKajaTri)
elegantlyelegancko (eleGantliy)
capacitythe total amount that can be contained or produced
capacitysomeone’s ability to do a particular thing
capacitythe amount that can be held or produced by sth
in particularw szczególności, zwłaszcza
knowledgeablemądry, znający się na rzeczy, obeznany (noLydżyByul)