wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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Vocabulary 28
dodaj do moich zestawów
dismiss sb/sthto decide that someone or sth is not important and not worth considering
dismiss sbto remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something wrong
dismiss sbto formally ask or order someone to leave
deny sthto say that sth is not true
there is no denyingit is true
deny sbto not allow someone to have or do sth
denyto refuse to admit that you have any connection with something or someone
deny oneself somethingodmówić sobie czegoś
vehemently(W;ymentli) gorąco, żarliwie, gorliwie \ gwałtownie, porywczo
vehementsilny, zaciekły, ostry \ gwałtowny, porywczy
intrusivenatarczywy, nachalny \ intruzyjny
intrusive advertisingnatrętna reklama
requestthe act of politely or officially asking for sth
requesta song or sth similar that someone has asked to be included in a show or on the radio
instancea particular situation, event, or fact, especially an example of sth that happens generally
to instance sthto give sth as an example
approach sb/sthto come near or nearer sb/sth in space, time, quality or amount
approach sthto deal with sth
approach sbto speak to, write to, or visit someone in order to do sth such as make a request or business agreem
approacha way of considering or doing sth (podejście)
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