argument | sprzeczka | |
argument | a reason or reasons why you support or oppose an idea or suggestion | |
oppose sb | to disagree with something or someone, often by speaking or fighting against it, him, or her | |
stake | a share or a financial involvement in sth such as a business | |
the stakes | (in an activity or competition) the reward for the person who wins or succeeds in it | |
raise up the stakes | to increase the prize or the reward in a competition or any activity in which you are competing | |
raise up the stakes | to make a situation more urgent or more difficult to ignore | |
stake | a strong stick or metal bar with a pointed end | |
at stake | if sth that is value is at stake, it is in a situation where it might be lost | |
at stake | in danger of being lost | |
endangered | in danger of being harmed, lost, unsuccessful, etc | |
endanger | to put someone or sth at risk or in danger of being harmed, damaged or destroyed | |
wager | an amount of money that you risk in the hope of winning more, by trying to guess sth uncertain(łejd | |
wager | to risk money by guessing the result of sth (łejdża/łejdżer) | |
jig | a piece of equipment for holding a tool or piece of wood, firmly when you work with it (zacisk) | |
jig | to move quickly up and down and from side to side - poruszać się rytmicznie w górę i dół/na bo | |
jig | wiercić się/kiwać się | |
puzzle/jigsaw/jigsaw puzzle | puzzle, układanka | |
jigsaw/fretsaw | wyrzynarka | |
contrivance | (kontrajWens) the act of intentionally arranging for sth to happen by clever planning | |
contrivance | (kontrajWens) a clever device or object that has been invented for a particular purpose | |