refer sb to sb/sth | to direct someone to a different place/person for information, help, action etc | |
refer sb/sth to sb | to send someone/sth to a different person for help | |
refer to sb/sth | to talk or write about someone or something, especially in only a few words | |
refer to sth | donosić się do czegoś | |
refer sth to sb | przekazywać komuś coś | |
domestic | relating to a people's own country (wewnętrzny, krajowy) | |
undergraduate/undergrad | (andeGradżuŁyt) student na studiach licencjackich | |
graduate/graduate student | słuchacz studium podyplomowego | |
graduate/graduate student | magistrant / student studiów magisterskich | |
graduate/graduate student | doktorant / student studiów doktoranckich | |
scholarship | serious, detailed study (skoLaSzyp) | |
scholarship | an amont of money given by a school, college, etc to pay for the studies of a person withGREATabilit | |
scholarship | nauka(prowadzenie nauczania) the qualities, methods or achievements of a scholar | |
innovative | (yNywyTyw/inoWejtyiw) innowacyjny | |
dormancy | uśpienie (np. wulkanu, gospodarki) the state of being dormant - not active or growing BUTableTOawak | |
dormant | not active or growing but with the ability to be active at a later time | |
interplay | the effect that two or more things have on each other - wzajmna gra/wzajemne oddziaływanie | |
preoccupation | an idea or subject that someone thinks about most of the time | |
preoccupation | the state of being worried about or thinking about sth most of the time | |
preoccupation | the thing that you think about most | |
mutual | (mjućul/mjućuAL) wzajemny(szacunek, sympatia) \ wspólny(przyjaciel itp) | |
mutual | a financial organisation that is owned by its members, rather than by shareholders | |
operate | (OpeRejt) to (cause to) work, be in action or have an effect | |
operate | operować | |
operate sth | to use or control equipment or a maschine or to make sth work | |