wordki.pl - nauka słówek
the vocab filesC1 units 10-12
peddlera wandering merchand selling small wares (hawker)
cobblera man who mends and patches shoes
playwrighta writer of plays
millinersomeone who makes hats
fishmongersb who works in a fish shop
locksmithmaker/repairer of locks
thatchersb who makes/repairs roofs
stowawaypasażer na gapę
quackktoś to udaje lekarza
usurersb who lends money at an exorbitant rate/illegal
usurpersb who forcibly seizes (kingly) power
vagrantsb with no specific place of living who wonders a lot
shoal/schoola large number of fish swimming together
congregationa group of church attendees
conglomerationa group of different people/things 2
cluster/clumpa number of trees/bushes.. growing close together
heapa quantity of things in a rather untidy arrangement
pilea quantity of things placed neatly one on top of the other
sheafa bundle of papers or corn tied together
moba disorderly crowd of ppl
squada small group of policemen who deal w/ a particular type of crime
banda group of bandits under a leader
posteritylater generations
subsidya government grant
welfarewell-being, comfort, good health
reticencemałomówność, to have reserve in one's speech
eyesorea sight ugly to the eyes
illustrativeillustrate adj
conductiveto conduce adj (conduce to sth= sprzyjać czemuś)
evolutionaryevolution adj
extinctionextinct adj
come to fruitionurzeczywistnić się
be in a flutterbyć podenerwowanym/podekscytowanym
kilnpiec do wypalania/suszenia/prażenia
wax and wanezwiększać i zmniejszać
smoldertlić się
incongruousdziwny osobliwy
clustergromadka, skupisko
indulge in sthoddawać się czemuś, ulegać
forsakedesert, leave forever, give up completely
cedegive (land, right) to another country or person, esp after losing a war
relinquishgive up (power, position, claim)
renouncegive up (a claim), say formally that one doea not own or has no more connection with
yieldTO / give up control (surrender) to superior forces
besiegeoblegać, otaczać
boorcham, gbur, prostak
precariouslybędąc niepewnym jutra, niepewnie
precociouslynad wiek
obsoletenot modern
assetsnot liabilities (czyli aktywa, majątek)
prodigalnot economical
haughtynot an affable person
acquittalnot conviction
to turn a deaf ear to sthto pay no heed (heed=uwaga)
to have the edge on sbmieć nad kimś przewagę
to be down in the dumpsto feel depressed and miserable
disposable incomedochód netto, rozporządzany
squandermarnować, trwonić pieniądze
foraykrok, próba sił, wypad, wycieczka
few and far betweenrzadko, nieczęsto
esteemrespect and admire greatly, to hold sb in high..
deemconsider, think or regard
appraisemake an official evaluation of sth, set a price or value on, especially by authority of law
assessdeterminve the amount or value of property for taxation or other purposes
exempted fromwolny, zwolniony, nie muszący czegoś robić
to bite the dustto be killed
in a spotto put sb in a difficult position
to blow one's topto be angry
to come within an ace ofto have a narrow escape
round the bendinsane
extortionobtaining money by using threats and violence
impunityfreedom from punishment
amenitiesagreeable features and facilities
pageantryold traditions and customs preserved among the common people
alimonyallowance by order of court
avaricegreed for amassing riches
armisticean agreement during a war that would stop hostilities for a limited period of time
incapacitatedunable to work
surgewzrost, przypływ, napływ
impertinentbezczelny, niestosowny, niegrzeczny
depravedemoralizować, deprawować
deridewyśmiewać, wyszydzać, drwić