individual | yndyWydżuAL - a person or thing, especially when compared to the group or set to which they belong | |
individual | a person who thinks or behaves in their own original way (indywiduum) | |
will of iron | żelazna wola | |
shopkeeper(GB)/storekeeper(AM) | właściciel sklepu, sklepikarz | |
readily | (redyLi) quickly, immediately, willingly, or without any problem - bez wahania, ochoczo | |
standardize | (standaDajz/steendyDajz) standaryzować - to make things of the same type all have the same features | |
charge sth/for sth | pobierać za coś opłatę, liczyć za coś | |
charge sb | (of the police) to make a formal statement saying that someone is accused of a crime | |
charge | nacierać, przypuszczać atak - to move forward quickly and violently, esp. towards sth that caused | |
charge somewhere | to hurry from one place to another - biec gdzieś szybko | |
charge | to put enough explosive into a gun to fire it once | |
charge sb with sth | to order someone to do sth | |
charge sth | ładować coś (batierie, akumulator) | |
charge | koszt, opłata (za dostawę, prąd, przejazd itp) | |
charge | zarzut, oskarżenie w sądzie | |
charge | szarża, atak(np. militarny) | |
supply sth | (SaPlaj) provide what is wanted or needed, often in large quantities and over a long period of time | |
supply | (SaPlaj)an amount of sth that is available to use | |
supplies | food or other things necessary for living | |
supplies | an amount of sth available | |
to be in short supply | to be available only in small quantity | |
intersect | (of lines, roads, etc.) to cross one another | |
intersect sth | to divide an area into smaller parts by crossing it with straight lines | |
pile | stos, sterta \ kupa (mnóstwo czegoś) | |
a pile of sth/piles of sth | a lot of sth | |
pile | a strong column or post of wood, metal, or concrete that is pushed into the ground to support buildi | |
pile | pal fundamentowy | |
at the base | u podnóża | |