petroleum | (peTROljam) ropa naftowa | |
market-based/market-led/market-driven | rynkowy | |
continually | (kontiŃjueli) ciągle, nieustannie | |
pundit | (panDiyt)a person who knows a lot about a particular subject - ekspert, spec | |
punditry | (panDytri) wypowiedź(experta), wypowiedź(specjalisty, krytyka) | |
naive | (naJiiiw) naiwny | |
gullible | (galaBol) easily deceived or tricked - łatwowierny | |
gullibly | łatwowiernie | |
state sth | to say or write sth, especially clearly and carefully | |
state education | edukacja państwowa (=zorganizowana przez kraj) | |
incentive | (ynSedyw) sth that encourages a person to do sth - bodziec | |
incentive | (ynSedyw) zachęcający, motywacyjny | |
subside | (sapSajd) if sth subsides, it become less strong or extreme | |
subside | (sapSajd) [of BUILDING, LAND, WATER] go down to a lower level | |
subsidy subsidies | subwencja, dotacja (na coś) | |
sububarnization | (saberbyNajzejszyn) sububarnizacja | |
expenditure | (ekspendycza/ekspendyczer) the total amount of money that a government or person spends (wydatki) | |
expenditure | (expendycza/expendyczer) the act of using or spending energy, time, or money - wydatkowanie | |
visible | (wyzyByul) widoczny, widzialny \ zauważalny, dostrzegalny | |
contravene | (kontraWin) to do sth that a law or rule don't allow, or to break a law or rule | |
contravene | (kontraWin) to not obey a rule or law, or to not to do what you promised | |
contravene the law | naruszać prawo | |
concerted | (konSerTyd) planned or done together for a shared purpose | |
proliferation | (ProLyfeRejszyn) the fact of sth increasing a lot and suddenly in number or amount (szybki wzrost) | |