realm | (relm) an area of interest or activity - dziedzina, domena \ a country ruled by a king or queen |
exception | (eksepszyn) wyjątek \ sprzeciw |
take exception | kwestionować coś, podnosić zarzuty |
without exception | bez wyjątku |
notable exception | godny uwagi wyjątek |
polity polities | (polyti/polyDi) a society or a state considered as a political unit |
politics | (polyTyks) the activities of the government, members of low-making organisation - polityka |
politics | nauki polityczne - kierunek studiów |
politics | metody postępowania (jakiejś osoby, organizacji) |
politician | polityk |
scholar | (skola/skaler) a person who studies a subject in great detail, especially at a university - uczony |
scholar | (skola/skaler) someone who is intelligent or good at learning by studying - erudyta |
resurgence | (RySyrdżens) a new increase of activity or interest in a particular subject or forgotten idea |
resurgence | (RySyrdżens) a process in which sth starts to grow, develop, or become successful again |
academic | akademicki \ teoretyczny, jałowy (dyskusja itp) |
academic | someone who is clever and enjoys studying |
academic | nauczyciel akademicki (na uczelni) |
academics | (AKaDemyks) the subject that you study in high school or college |
ethereal | (yFirjal) light and delicate, especially in an unnatural way |
ethereal | (yFirjal) eteryczny, nieziemski, ulotny |
preoccupy sb | to be the main thought in someone's mind, causing other things to be forgotten |
preoccupied with sth | pochłonięty czymś (mentalnie) |
affair | (aFe/aFejr) a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered - sprawa, kwestia |
affair | (aFe/aFejr) a matter or situation that causes strong public feeling, usually a moral disapproval |
love affair | romans |