wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: Gibon
MRRMinimum Risk Route
TMRRTemporary Minimum Risk Route
TCTransit Corridor dwukierunkowy, tylna strefa
TRTransit Route przednia strefa, operational combat support
LLTRLow-Level Transit Route
SCSpecial Corridor jednokierunkowe, mogą być dwukierunkowe
SAAFRSlow aviation assets flight route
AC2airspace command and control
ACMairspace coordinating measure
ACOairspace control order
ACPairspace control plan
AODair operations directive
AORarea of responsibility
ATOair tasking order
AARair-to-air refueling
ADair defense
AGLabout ground level
BDAbattle damage assessment
BDZbase defense zone
C2command and control
CASclose air support
CCcritical capability
COMAFFORcommander, Air Force forces
CSARcombat search and rescue
GPSGlobal Positioning System
OCAoffensive counterair
ROErules of engagement
ROZrestricted operations zone
UAunmanned aircraft
UASunmanned aircraft system
WMDweapons of mass destruction
DZdrop zone
PZpickup zone
LZlanding zone
SWEEP“wymiatanie”- niszczenie lotnictwa przeciwnika na jego terenie
SEEDniszczenie celów naziemnych
AEWaircraft early warning
IFFfriends or foul identification
AIRCORAir corridor
EWelectronic warfare
CAPcombat air patrol
ACCairspace command and control